
A welcome message is a great chance to tell your user a couple of things about who you are, what you do and why your user is going to be better off with you. Some businesses, like InVision, set up a whole onboarding flow demonstrating various options and possibilities. Upon sign-up, InVision offers as many as four welcome videos to showcase the platform features.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

हे.अ., सि.अ.हे.व., प.नि.सु., भे.क.नी. लगायत स्वास्थ्य सेवा हे.इ. समूह तर्फकाे पाँचाैं तहकाे पदहरूकाे लागी लाेकसेवा अायाेगकाे पाठ्रयक्रम । Curriculum of H.A./SAHW and other 5th level (Health Inspection group) for LOK SEWA AAYOG!

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